Soft Skills Training Course

1Administrative Support
2Anger Management
3Appreciative Inquiry
4Archiving and Records Management
5Assertiveness and Self Confidence
6Attention Management
7Basic Bookkeeping
8Being a likeable Boss
9Body language basics
10Budgets and financial reports
11Business acumen
12Business ethics
13Business etiquette
14Business succession planning
15Business writing
16Call center training
17Change management
18Civility in the workplace
19Coaching and mentoring
20Coaching sales people
21Collaborative Business Writing
22Communication Strategies
23Conducting annual employee review
24Conflict resolution
25Contract Management
26Creative problem solving
27Crisis management
28Customer service
29Cyber security
30Delivering constructive criticism
31Developing corporate behavior
32Developing Creativity
33Developing new managers
34Emotional intelligence
35Employee motivation
36Employee onboarding
37Employee Recognition
38Employee Recruitment
39Event Planning
40Executive and Personal Assistants
41Facilitation skills
42Goal setting and getting things done
43Handling a difficult customer
44Health and wellness at work
45High performance teams
46Hiring strategies
47Human Resource management
48Improving mindfulness
49Improving self awareness
50Increasing your happiness
51Interpersonal skills
52Knowledge management
53Leadership and Influence
54Lean Process and Six Sigma
55Manager management
56Managing workplace anxiety
57Marketing basics
58Measuring results from training
59Media and Public relations
60Meetings management
61 Motivating your sales team
62 Negotiation skills
63 Networking (within and outside company)
64 Office politics for managers
65 Organizational skills
66 Perfromance management
67 Personal productivity
68 Presentation skills
69 Public speaking
70 Risk assessment and management
71 Safety in the workplace
72 Sales fundamentals
73 Servant Leadership
74 Social media in the workplace
75 Stress management
76 Supervising others
77 Supply chain management
78 Taking Initiatives
79 Talent management
80 Team building for managers
81 Teamwork and team building
82 Time management
83 Top 10 Sales Secrets
84 Train-the-trainer
85 Women in Leadership
86 Work life balance
87 Workplace diversity
88 Workplace Harassment
89 Workplace violence